Cancer Rehabilitation

Working with cancer patients and survivors is a practice that’s very close to my heart as in 2014, at age 34, I was diagnosed with breast cancer.

However, I didn’t let this define me and I got on with my life as much as I was able - continuing to work and exercise regularly, though still giving myself rest days due to the side effects from my treatment. I continued this as much as I could throughout chemo, radiotherapy and surgery, until I got the good news that there was no evidence of the cancer in 2015. Just four months after having surgery, I managed to complete the Hackney half marathon.

Since being given the all-clear from my doctors, I have been able to go on and raise thousands of pounds for UK cancer charities, by completing multiple endurance challenges. I’m proud to have taken part in the Stand Up to Cancer Great Canoe Challenge, and have raised money for Breast Cancer Now and Cancer Research UK by running multiple marathons, as well as the 100km London 2 Brighton Ultra Challenge.

Although I’d already been working a little in the fitness industry, it was after my recovery that I decided I wanted to pursue working as a personal trainer. I had a newfound drive to help others one-on-one, and give something back to people going through cancer recovery, after having experienced it myself. Not only did keeping fit during my journey help me physically, but the good it did for my mental wellbeing was palpable.

I am now fully trained and insured to help others going through cancer treatment and recovery, having completed my Level 3 Personal Training qualification as well as a Level 4 Cancer Rehab course.

Regular exercise during cancer treatment is proven to reduce side effects of chemo such as fatigue, while also improving bone health, managing weight, and reducing the risks of reoccurrence. I can also create bespoke sessions to help you prepare for surgery and regain mobility, flexibility and strength during your recovery.