LGBTQ+ Friendly Training

Research shows that 1 in 8 LGBTQ+ people (12%), and 2 in 5 trans people (38%) avoid going to the gym or participating in sports groups because of fear of discrimination and harassment.

Meanwhile, 1 in 10 LGBTQ+ people (11%) and 3 in 10 (25%) of trans people have said they’ve felt discriminated against while exercising at a fitness club or taking part in group sport.*

This is why having a one-to-one personal trainer can be life-changing to those who may feel too self conscious or unsafe to go to a standard public gym. My sessions can take place in fully private settings, either at my studio in east London, or at your own home.

As a queer identifying woman, I recognise the need for safe spaces for those in the LGBTQ+ community. I also am knowledgeable about the complexities and sensitivities around gender dysphoria and transitioning, for trans and gender nonconforming people. This means I can also create tailored training for those going through gender affirming surgery.

I understand that no two bodies are the same, and we all have different relationships with our own. My body positive, gender-free attitude towards personal training means I never associate someone’s gender with a certain appearance, nor do I make assumptions or push gendered stereotypes with regards to how my clients might want to change their bodies. I work closely with my clients to ensure they get the most out of their training, and in a way that allows them to become the best version of their true self, whatever that may look like.

Some of the fitness-related charity work I have done has been for LGBTQ+ organisations, including Pride Boxing UK in 2019.

* According to Stonewall UK’s 2017 study